joi, 8 aprilie 2010


In Calatoria noastra pe calea Evolutiei avem al treilea pas de facut, o alta proba de trecut, sa simtim si sa Imbratisam un alt Element, al treilea ingredient al lumii noastre care le contine pe toate celalalte trei elemente, Focul are puterea Distrugerii si Creatiei, o stare de tranzitie catre esenta, o intoarcere la Sursa lasand in urma toate straturile nefolositoare, descoperind Adevarul germinand Renastere.

Alatura-te Calatoriei Focului care te va conduce prin toata Infinitatea ta, trecand prin ganduri si planuri, visuri si vieti trecute, constientizandu-ti limitele pentru a fi arse, peretii pentru a fi topiti, rearanjand particulele pentru a descoperi noi cai si tuneluri intortocheate, luand forme variate pe calea spre Dumnezeu, semnale de fum de la triburile ancestrale catre noi marcheaza calea spre Sufletul nostru, Energie pura curgand ca apa pastrand Prezentul, unificand Semenii in inima Unuia.

Pregateste-te pentru o Adunare in flacari pe taramurile Dacilor, triburi ale Focului Sacru continuu in jurul caruia viata toata se centreaza, maestrii focului vor ridica cheia catre Portal, arzand cicluri construind Spirala. Ritualul se intalneste cu Muzica in aceasta Transa in care Dansam, noi sunete psihedelice ajuta Bataia sa te duca peste tine, seminte, plante, campii, dealuri, munti, mari si oceane, planete si galaxii, dincolo de infinitate inauntrul tau, in Fericire si Iubire impreuna noi vibram, Flacara lumii cu blandete o oferim.


In our Journey on the path of Evolution we have a third step to make, another test to overcome, another Element to feel and Embrace, the third Ingredient of our world that contains all the three other elements, Fire has the power of Destruction and Creation, a state of transition to essence, a return to the Core letting behind all unnecessary layers, unfolding the Truth germinating Rebirth.

Come join the Ride of Fire that will guide you all through your Infinity, touring thoughts and scapes, dreams and past lives, facing limits to be burned, walls to be melted, rearranging particles to unveal new ways and twisted rabbit-holes, taking various forms on the way to God, signals of smoke from the early tribes to ourselves mark the groove to our Soul, pure Energy running like water storing the Now, uniting the Sames in the heart of One.

Be prepared for a blazing Gathering on the lands of the Dakians, tribes of the continuous Sacred Fire around which all Life is centered, our fire masters and spinners alike will raise the key to the Portal, burning cycles building the Spiral. Ritual comes together with Music into this Trance we Dance, new psychedelic sounds help the Beat take you over yourself, seeds, plants, plains, hills, mountains, seas and oceans, planets and galaxies, beyond infinity inside yourself, in Joy and Love together we vibrate, the Flame the world we kindly offer.

The Circle of Fire is open to all performers, artists and crafts people who can help lead our ship through the flames to calm crystal waters. Participation from all members needed, expression is a key.Starting date is set one day before music starts so that people can relax from the trip and get some rest before dancing begins.

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